Atomic Notes - Zettelkasten Method

A Flexible and Highly Creative Note-Taking Method

With this template, you can create notes on an atomic level, link notes to each other, and track the progress of each note. These features can help you stay organized and productive, and take your note taking to a new level.


Utilizing Zettelkasten Method

The Zettelkasten method is the foundation of Atomic Notes and has been proven to be effective in helping people generate high-quality writing. It consists of three types of notes: Fleeting, Literature, and Permanent Notes, which can be interconnected.


See all your To Do List in One Place

Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow 


Track Progress of Your Notes

You can track the progress of each note, which helps you stay organized and focused on what you need to do next.


Group and Get Overview of Your Notes

To organize your notes effectively, we provides a kanban view where you can easily manage and categorize them. By dragging your notes to different boards, you can seamlessly move them between various types and keep your thoughts organized.

Pay Once Use Forever

Atomic Notes - Zettelkasten Method

Basic Version

- Zettelkasten Method Dashboard
- Note Linking System
- Progress Tracker
- Quick Action



Let our template help you to achieve your goal!

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Certified by Notion, Quality for You

Our Team that created template for you has passed Notion Certification Test. So we can provide the best possible template for you.


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